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Hillsong United, a great time of blessing and praise. Hillsong just released "look To You" along with earlier release, "More Than Life", these albums are a great sample of what went on. 

There were between 1300 and 1400 folks that came to hear Aaron on keyboard, Gabe on drums, Joel on guitar, Michelle with vocals along with "JD", and Matt on bass.

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hillsongunited3w.jpg (22154 bytes) Faith Assembly of Pasco, Washington hosted the event sponsored by Liberty Christian School of Richland, Washington. Talk about cooperation and teamwork, it all comes together to proclaim His glory! Over 120 decisions were made that evening. hillsongunited4w.jpg (25356 bytes)
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IMG019w.JPG (70448 bytes) Phil Dooley, Youth Pastor of Hillsong Church of Australia brought the message. He spoke about being a worshipper can mean being a warrior. He also spoke how God wants to be in the business of lifting lives. We should cry out to God, patiently wait before Him but cry out. God wants to take our cry and make it a song. He wrapped things up by saying Gos is so serious about our lives that He sent His Son to die for us! IMG011w.JPG (38706 bytes)
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Ronin, rapped their message to the crowd.
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soulconcern2.jpg (34943 bytes) Soul Concern from York college brought some great skits with great points to be made. My favorite was the one with a person trying to play hide and seek with God. Couldn't be done as the line was: You can't hide from God and He is easy to find. soulconcern1.jpg (56967 bytes)
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Just for info, the background for the page was made from a picture taken at the concert when the logo was on the wall. Keith can be contacted at [email protected]   For a huge list of past festivals and concerts, check out: http://www.nwcricket.com/musiclist.html 


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