The Listening at Our Place Church in Hillsboro, Or. Oct 31, 2008

The Listening   Official Site   and   Myspace

The Listening played some old tunes and whetted everyone's appetite with a couple from the EP that is out, "Transmission 1" Gabe had promised to take control of what you see and hear and it was amazing. A show not to be missed, only a few left in the northwest and then they're headed back east to music city. Gabe also announced the title of their new album  "L M N O P" and he said the name comes from the "center" of the alphabet and that he and the band have found their center.

The Listening is: Nolan on drums, Kyle on bass, Josiah on Keys and guitar, and Gabe on guitar, keys, vocals (kind of does it all).

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The Blackstones at Our Place on Oct 31, 2008

Hillsboro, Oregon

It was Halloween, there were a few dressed up there for fun!

Aaron and the guys played old and new, talking about a new album in the making.

Official Site      Myspace

Blackstones are Michael on drums, Bobby on guitar, CJ on bass and Aaron on lead.

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The Archiver (Jeremy Michael)

Myspace and Official Site

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PICT0001x.jpg (46888 bytes) Friends Of Kira  Kira and her folks shared their hearts about changing the world. Stop by Kira's site and see how you can do just that, change the world.


Friends Of Kira

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PICT0049x.jpg (56260 bytes) It was Halloween, great costumes! PICT0004x.jpg (96577 bytes)

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