Roe Vs Pritzl

Jan. 26th 2007   Urban Grind Cafe- Portland, OR

Roe Vs Pritzl can also be found on

An evening of great music and fun as Michael and Mike played acoustic versions of each of their music. 

roevspritzl1.jpg (90049 bytes) Right, the weapons of their warfare. roevspritzl2.jpg (90917 bytes) roevspritzl4.jpg (107834 bytes)
roevspritz9.jpg (90951 bytes) Left, fans kicked back enjoying the music.


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Ruth from the Urban Grind Emceed the show and had a drawing for some free stuff. 

Great food and of course great coffee always served at the Urban Grind! Corner of NE Oregon St and 22nd.

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Michael Roe site: Pictures by Keith. For lots of other bands and venues, stop by  Contact Keith at: [email protected] Michael Pritzl at:
myspace:  myspace:  

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