The Listening, The Blackstones, Seven Years Abscence, The Archiver, and Brian Griffing

 All At The Service Station

Spokane, WA November 1,2008

The Service Station show was an amazing one. The venue's design brought out so much sound from the instruments and speakers. The show was brought to the Station by RAWK online.

The Listening

Official Site    Myspace

The Listening played a variety of music, some old and some new!  The new ones were a couple from the EP that is out, "Transmission 1" Gabe had promised to take control of what you see and hear and it was amazing. A show not to be missed, only a few left in the northwest and then they're headed back east to music city. Gabe also announced the title of their new album  "L M N O P" and he said the name comes from the "center" of the alphabet and that he and the band have found their center.

The Listening is: Nolan on drums, Kyle on bass, Josiah on Keys and guitar, and Gabe on guitar, keys, vocals (kind of does it all).

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Close up of Gabe during "Undiscovered"
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The Blackstones

Official Site     Myspace

Michael on drums, CJ on bass, Bobby on guitar, and Aaron heading things up on guitar.

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Seven Year Absence

Official Site  and  Myspace

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Jeremy Michael aka The Archiver

Official Site and Myspace

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Brian Griffing

Official Site  and  Myspace

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