Rebecca St. James with Jadon Lavik and Barlow Girls at Faith Assembly Church in Pasco, Washington Feb. 11th, 2006 Sponsored by People For Christ Ministries

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The concert was so sold out that they decided to hold a matinee concert. Faith holds about 1400 and the matinee, with only two days notice, had about 50% filled. And then the main concert was packed out on top of it, a great turnout for the concert. Ticket sales shot up when our local paper did a full page spread on the upcoming concert. Thanks Tri-City Herald!


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Jadon Lavik opened things up.  He is getting ready to release a new album "Life On The Inside".  Had a chance to chat a bit and he was saying things were going well on the tour with good crowds and all. He and Drew (drums) were found with their MAC (we won't hold that against them) computers up and running chatting away.  Technology is great, instead of mailing pictures, we just downloaded the camera on to their MACs .  You can preorder Jadon's new album at  his website  jadon4.jpg (85052 bytes)
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Dave Childress on bass with Jadon and Drew Laschock (below) on drums. Drew had recently joined Jadon on tour. They did a great job! davechildress3.jpg (81486 bytes) davechildress2.jpg (72311 bytes)
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gregevertt.jpg (78389 bytes) Greg Everett on guitar with Jadon, he was on loan from Rebecca St. James' band. gregevertt2.jpg (77383 bytes)

Barlow Girls had the place rockin. Lauren on drums had a great message for the young and old, "stop letting the world tell you want to do and let God tell you what to do". Talk about energy, lots of it with great music.

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Alyssa on guitar and keyboards.

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Becca on the guitar (above) 


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barlowstage.jpg (82846 bytes) Lauren on drums (above), she made sure the crowd heard the message of what the Barlows are about. Met Mom and Dad, who are always close by, they, as well as Rebecca St. James, they make it a family affair. lauren5.jpg (68319 bytes)

Rebecca St. James took the stage and she brought the whole crew! Two brothers accompanied her on stage and they even had one song just themselves. Another brother on lights did a great job, I would hate to think about all the time put in planning what light comes on when but it was just enough. Not overwhelming but enough to get you to say  "cool" ( or  nice, rad, neat or whatever you'd say these days). Mom and Dad were in the background (not singing background) keeping things hopping. Dad managing and Mom helping with the merchandise or wherever was needed. And talked with little sis, she helped me with working with another MAC computer. What is it, all these artists using MACs? Most of the family has a part in helping Rebecca on the road.

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gregeverttreb.jpg (79890 bytes) Overall, a great time was had by everyone. Rebecca, Barlows and Jadon and crew put on agreat show but it was more than a "show". A time of encouragement, Rebecca, as always, shared from the Word, and lots of great music. If the tour is coming to your town or within driving distance (6 hours or so) go see it!

Bands web sites:


Barlow Girls

Rebecca St. James

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.Fans Mary, Deneil, and Nikki at the show!

The whole tour came on stage to wrap things up after Rebecca led worship

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Contact Keith at [email protected]

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