The Worship Circus becomes The Listening

Spokane, Washington at The Service Station November 19th 2005


Gabe continues to lead the boys in the band, as the Rock and Roll Worship Circus becomes The Listening gabe1.jpg (224035 bytes)


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gabe9.jpg (173549 bytes) Gabe also gave an altar call inviting those in attendance to accept Christ.  gabe6.jpg (661525 bytes)


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chris5.jpg (139610 bytes) Chris on guitar, some great music as Circus makes the changes to The Listening! chris7.jpg (189085 bytes)


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Eric the E on drums and keeping the tempo on track.



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boards5.jpg (488874 bytes) Josiah on not only the keyboards but also running boards of dials and knobs, creating some of the great background tones and tunes

The band's web site

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Check out some earlier pictures of The Listening (known back then as Worship Circus) when they were in Salem Oregon Nov. 7th, 2003

Fans Darren and Deneil enjoying the concert


Photos by Keith and he can be contacted at [email protected]  Photos used to the glory of God do not need permission but letting me know would be cool. Thanx!

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