Boomin Beyond Measure Tour 

with Toby, Jeremy, and Matthew West

Feb 17th, Toyota Center, Kennewick,WA

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Matthew West

Matthew started things off, played and spoke about his new album recently released. The album is called "Something To Say"

Matthew West's   Official Site   Myspace

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Jeremy Camp and Band

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jeremycband (15).jpg (25896 bytes) Jeremy's

Official Site



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Toby Mac and Diverse City

Toby brought Diverse City with him that consists of:  Toddiefunk on the Bass, DJ Maj turning the turn tables DJing, Dave "D-Dub" Wyatt - Keyboards, Brian "Da Bomb" Haley - Drums, Tim Rosenau - Guitar, Trumpet, Shonlock and GabeReal - Vocals, and the lovely Nirva "Nirvassence" Dorsaint-Ready - Vocals

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To the right, Toby had tried to scam the crowd saying he was opening for Jeremy...not
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Toby Mac w/Diverse City

Official Site


Myspace Site

Stage, Crowd, Compassion Int'l Table  and Fans

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fansmatt.jpg (28733 bytes) Nice crowd, approximately 4000 people came to see the bands!

Compassion International was at the concert, lots of folks checking out (to the right) different children in need of support. For more information on Compassion, stop by their web site

To the left, Kelly and Deneil meet and chat with Matthew West

Thanks Dick Aker from People For Christ Ministries for bringing the show to town!

And thanks to Rick Horne of for all the server space for all the pictures. Need an Internet presence? Contact Rick!

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Pictures by Keith and for more info, contact at [email protected]





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