Keith's Creationfest West 2003 Picture list

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Drop Keith a line

You can read all about it at "The Story" the ups and the downs,  Warning: Length: 2 Cups of Coffee long

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Audio Adrenaline's new car with their "old" car in between

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Ashley Cleveland

More of Ashley Cleveland: Ashley3; Ashley4; Ashley5


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Randy Stonehill  More: randy1;randy4


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Paul Balouche leading worship from the main stage


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Roughing it camping, thanks to Dale! The stage and the fantastic view! Columbia River in the background.


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More of David Crowder and his band:Crowder1;Crowder2;Crowder3; Crowder4;Crowder5;Crowder7;Crowder8;Crowder9;Crowder91;Crowder92;Crowder93; dcb1; dcb2; dcb3; dcb4; dcb5; dcb6; dcb7; dcb8; These aren't all of just David, there's some of the rest of the band too.


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Pictured above is Dale and Keith (the one with the bandaged hand), the third picture, is with Tyrone from with Keith, the football was his idea, which led to the dislocated finger and banged up knee, and his partner Chad (not shown) also an accomplice as he was the one trying to tackle me. 

 Below, Keith with two of his daughters, Kelly and Jill

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                           First time I had seen these guys in concert, had to go out and get their first album and soon they're releasing a second one! Lots of praise and worship, their website for all the details!

 More of Rock and Roll Worship Circus: rrwcir1;rrwcir3;rrwcir5;rrwcir7;rrwcir9;rrwcir91;rrwcir93


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Sixpence None The Richer  More: Sixpence1;Sixpence3

These pics aren't quite as good as the others, the crowd was big and it was difficult to get in close.


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      More of the Katinas: Katina1;Katina3;Katina4;Katina7;Katina8;Katina91;Katina92;Katina93;


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Lincoln Brewster


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Michael W. Smith 

MoreMichael: Michael1;Michael3;Michael4;Michael5


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Toby Mac, energizing the Gorge! Great time had by all, on stage and off.


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Switchfoot, Chad said the trip from parking lot concerts to MTV has been a kick! Why the "parking lot" comment? Check out where they had to stay (our house) when they first were on the road They look like they have grown up a bit.


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Mercy Me (taken with digital zoom, again, large crowd made it difficult to get in close)


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More Sittser: Sittser1;Sittser2;Sittser3;Sittser4;Sittser5;Sittser7;Sittser8;Sittser9

Sittser Band, a local Northwest band form Spokane, WA

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