The Listening with Violet Burning and Kevin Max!

June 4th, 2006 @ The Service Station in Spokane,WA

Band pages listed at the bottom of the page.

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The Listening played and there was "something" about this night's show. Intensity level was up or something. Gabe and the boys in the band even treated the crowd to some new music in the works. At the end of their set, Gabe shared about how much God loved them and what people were feeling in the room was not the band or even about the band, it was about The Spirit!

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Violet Burning took the stage after The Listening, believe it or not, not being familiar with them even though they have been around since 1989, I was blown away, and they played almost all the new album. Which I ended up buying to play on the drive home. It was a 2 hour drive and the CD never left the player, I think it must have played at least 3 times, very solid album to say the least. Michael expressed concern over a review that had been written about the album, it received only 4 of 5 stars and he wanted the 5th star. Maybe we should start a letter writing campaign to restore the 5th star.
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spokane2 067.jpg (69619 bytes) spokane2 068.jpg (63486 bytes) The word intensity came to mind as the Violet Burning played. If you don't have their new album, "Drop Dead", you're missing a great one! spokane2 072.jpg (81202 bytes)
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Kevin Max came out and lost a battle with the mike stand. They must have thought he was wearing platforms as the stand was way to high but it must have been set up by superman as Kevin could not get that thing to cooperate. So, he did the next best thing, got rid of it. This photographer does like mike stands anyway. Kevin seemed to struggle a  little at first but things came together as he continued through. Not sure what the tech problem was but Kevin got past it and then he surprised everyone by jumping down off the stage. THAT totally got the crowd going. Very solid vocals, as they say, "he's still got it"
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(Above)Balcony fans, something about wanting to hear when it was over. (Right) Kevin grabs the water as it was a little warm under the lights. If anyone has band members' names that Kevin had with him, drop me a note so we can post them.

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Kevin than proceeded to sing to a number of folks in the crowd and interacting with them as he sang. Very personable and everyone loved it. spokane2 138x.jpg (86624 bytes) spokane2 140.jpg (82973 bytes)  

If anyone knows this person with Kevin (left) have them contact me so I can e-mail her the pictures. (Answer has come, check here for the "rest of the story")

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Kevin celebrates with Violet Burning as they wrap things up. Michael taking home videos...which we would love to see...maybe on their site or myspace!

spokane2 148.jpg (74822 bytes) Then the party started. Kevin said he was a little tired of the song but he was going to do it anyway...Jesus Freak. all the other bands came out along with the crowd sang till they were horse. Josiah from The Listening grabbed a mike and went to town. Gabe took the drums and rocked the place. It was a total blast. Kevin may be getting tired of the song but the crowd wasn't. Reminded me of the "Party" song that Circus use to do at the end of their show with the other bands. Good time had by all. spokane2 150x.jpg (123080 bytes)
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Kevin gave members of the crowd their chance to sing with him. Kevin with more fans after the show
Kevin Max's page The Listening Page Violet Burning Page And all the bands are on

Thanks again to the Service Station, if you are in the Spokane area, stop by, great music and great food! Their web site is:

We took many more pictures, looking for some of the show or bands, drop me a note at [email protected]  and we will see what we can do!

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